The whole setup is ready with these 3 simple steps in 5 minutes.
Signup & Order License Key
1-Click pricing tab in website.
2-Click "Buy Now" button for the suitable license option.
3-Sign-up to Mr-Protect website from opened website.
4-If you selected paid version, follow the instruction to complete the payment.
5-The license keys will be mailed to your paypal email address after ordering. No license key required for trial version.
Download & Installation
1-After sign-up and payment steps, the website will direct you to the download page.
2-Download and install the suitable mr-protect app for your kids operating system onto your child’s device.
3-Execute Mr-Protect app.
4-Enter your 28 chars license key(Mailed to you after payment) or select "Trial Version" on license manager window.
5-Follow the step-by-step instructions.
6-Accept all permissions to ensure full protection.

1-Customize your settings on your child`s device the way you need to make mr-protect work for you .